FMS - Food Markets Sac
FMS stands for Food Markets Sac
Here you will find, what does FMS stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Food Markets Sac? Food Markets Sac can be abbreviated as FMS What does FMS stand for? FMS stands for Food Markets Sac. What does Food Markets Sac mean?The Peru based company is located in Arequipa, Arequipa engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of FMS
- Fort Madison, Iowa USA
- Foreign Military Sales
- Forms management system
- Feline Mcdonough Sarcoma
- Foreign Military Sales
- Foreign Military Sales
- Flexible Manufacturing System
- Financial Management Service
View 194 other definitions of FMS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FL The Finish Line
- FFE Fast Forward Events
- FCE Fleet Complete Europe
- FNCB First National Community Bank
- FFW Fontaine Fifth Wheel
- FLPL Family Law in Partnership Ltd
- FSP Four Star Pizza
- FDF Front Door Fashion
- FSAIB First Sun Alliance Insurance Brokers
- FKL Fila Korea Ltd.
- FPMR FP Marine Risks
- FTC Fisher Tank Company
- FCFB First Community Financial Bank
- FGL Forward Gear Ltd.
- FTC Family Tree Clinic
- FCS First Corporate Solutions
- FWP First Western Properties
- FSR The Four Seasons Restaurant
- FJC Foundation for Jewish Camp
- FCM Friendship Circle of Michigan